Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Too Long...

Wow! It has been forever since I have written on this thing!!!! I actually forgot my password...But anyhoo, I really didn't get a chance to write on here once school started!I had homework and all that other junk.I really did forget about my blog, but hopefully from now on,I am a little more commited to doing it. Probably once my book report on a book I am reading in class is done (Just started book) and my points are caught up, then I will get a few more posts on here.I am really busy with reading for class nowadays that I can't seem to catch up with anything. I guess that school has been going good for me! First Trimester is over and now I am on a harder one apparently...Ugh. I just got switched into another 3rd period class and things have been a little hecktic. But good news, I am still getting straight A's!

when I first started this blog, I had all of one friend! yipee! Now, I seem to have many. Katy, Karli, Shae, Anna, Ava. They all Have helped me very much through the past little while so if any of you are reading this, thanks!!

Band is going good for me too. I am also in jazz band which is a part of my school and other schools. Band is really easy, and they said that if you join it that beware that it's difficult. Its harder, but not much. Hey Megan, are you still playing barry sax? I might be playing Bass Clarinet next year!!!!yay!!

Well thats pretty much it for now!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


Well i guess that i have been too busy to write on my blog again! But to tell you the truth, i haven't done that much in the past few days. But today........ I woke up with the worst headache. And to add to that, i have a horrible ear ache. Whenever i touched my ear, it hurt so bad that i thought that bleeding was not surprising. But I couldn't do anything about it because i usally don't take medicine by myself, so I "suffered" all morning. My mom was out all morning so I couldn't ask her what to do. All day i was looking for stuff to do. My sister and I were going to go to the pool today, but it looked like it was going to rain almost all day. So i read with my sister,and walked the dogs. Yesterday, my step sister came with her chiwawa, Liberty. I swear that dog is the smallest dog I ever saw. I was going to walk both dogs at the same time, Feather and Liberty.but it was too hard so my sister came with me. I walked I walked Liberty while my sister walked Feather.On the route we usally take, we have to pass by there Great Danes. Feather doesn't mind them, But Liberty stood up to them! Barking and trying to get of the leash and get at 'em. She didn't, but, if she was off a leash... On the walkes,we usally go around a circle twice. But since Liberty has such little legs, we go around once, and then she is so tired that she sleeps for a long time afterwards.Holly, I think you will love Liberty.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

too hot

Didn't really do much today. Got up at about noon, had breakfast ( or lunch whatever you want) and read for a little while. Then i talked with my other sister on the phone and then talked to my buddie on the phone also. Me and my sister were planning to go to the library, we walked about not even a quarter of the way there, and we were so hot and dehidrated that we dicided to go home. We decided that we were also going to go to the pool. After alot of talking my sister into it, (she didn't want to go this day any more) We went. I thought we had a pretty good time. My sister was splashing me and she kept going "LOOK!!! LOOK!" I just thought that she was trying to bring back the oldest trick in the book to splash me again. Turns out that she was pointing to one of my new friends that live down my street. We had to got out of the pool soon, so we just planned on walking home together. Later on, after dinner I took our dog out for a walk and picked her up. (we planned it at the pool) We went around the circle i usually go around 2 times, 5 times. Just talking. She is planning on comeing tomorrow to go to my house and the pool. i'm excited for that! Then i watched some of a movie, and then read again. So hope tomorrow is good. Really, i do!

Friday, July 18, 2008

how exciting!!!

Today,we were planning to go out and get some lawn furniture and other random junk,and normally when ever we go out, me and my sister usally want to go too. but my mom went with her husband to get the furniture in a station wagon and then get their new glasses right after. But we couldn't come because they had to put the seats down to fit the box in. Turns out, that the box didn't fit in the car so we had to go back later. But my mom did get her glasses. They look very nice on her. I own a pair of glasses too! Red,and for reading. Gotta love Harry Potter! So they came back and then we were planning to go to some other things in the day. But right as we were on our way out the door, My sister said that she felt nautious. So we left her at home.(lol) First we went to go and find a ceiling fan. So we were in one of those parts of the store where it is very bright because of people testing lights and others showing others fans and lamps. I love those parts of the store because they seem bright, and happy. Weird I know. We were also looking for a table lamp. We were looking in the coloured glass lamps and i saw a small little lamp that was a lady bug! and there was a antilope and a frog. But I liked the bug best because he had little shoes and huge eyes. Then i got asked if i wanted it. Of course i did, but i'm not those kind of people who give you a straight up "Yes" or "No" So i was all like " Oh you have to buy it for me if you don't want to......."But in the end of that store we did get a ceiling fan, a table lamp and the bug which is in my room right now. We went to a couple other stores for about 5 minutes and then we went out for lunch. We went to a Japanese place. I got a chicken and brown rice bowl which was incredebly great. For a drink, i was very excited because i got Japanese pop! I love this kind of pop because first of all it tastes good, and it has a neat bottle! There is a little marble in the top and a little tool that is part of the package and you well, put the marble into the bottle! Then it drops into the top of the bottle where it can't fit through. Very cool, very fun. But it took me many tries to open it. Even though i had it before at the Multicultual Festival. We ran around some more and then we went to go and rent a truck so we could get the box. And then we finally came home. I later walked the dog and played with her. Then we had dinner. which was very yummy but very, very spicy. Yeah, drank alot of milk and water that meal.... ( for the water i used mt Wall.e cup) nd then i watched TV again. Ta Da!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

what a special day!!!!!

Today was pretty good too! Woke up and went out shopping for the day again. And then we went to the disney store and got wall.e cups!!!! On the bottem of the glass, there is almost a tiny snowglobe type thing, with wall.e in it! And it has the lid and the straw, the whole shabang! You should have seen us in the disney store, we were acting like 5 year olds. Skipping and saying in high voices "Its a WALL.E cup!!!!! I love Wall.e!!!!! Unfourtunatly, when we were still in the mall walking with my mom, we took out the cups to have a look at them, and the cup that i pulled out, the little Wall.e in the snowglobe was missing an arm!!!! So of course i told my mom and showed my sister, and my mom said to exchange it. So we went into the store again (Which i wasn't mad about doing because i love that place) Went up to the cash and gave it to the cashier, and then picked out another one. Now that took me about another 5 minutes because i had to pick out the perfect one.(Of course!!!!) Well we still looked around, mainly for a lamp, but of course we all had to stop and look at the shoes. So many shoes, so little time. We stoped at DQ to get a moooooolatte. Me and my sister had alot of fun saying "Moooooolatte" We get amused too easily. Later on we went home and watched a movie. But for most of the time i was the only one watching it so i got kinda mad because my sister had to write a letter and my mom had to do stuff with the computer so we had lots of lights on and watching movies on our screen in the dark is way better. Then we had dinner. (Which was extremly delicious like it is every night)Watered the flowers. I like watering the flowers. And me and my sister divited the flowers so we each water a certain plant. I'm happy because i got all the daisys. And i just love daisys. Then i went and played with our dog. I always love playing with our dog. But sometimes its kind of scary because we have a big dog. And then I came in and was told that we were going on a bike ride. We went to the library. I returned a book and got another one that I hope I will like because the last one just wasn't the right one for me. Got home, had dessert and watched TV and then came on the computer. Its getting pretty late so i should wrap it up soon. So, long live Wall.e cups!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

more details

my day so far was pretty good! woke up (got woken up by someone and then slept in almost a half an hour later) them me and my mom and sister went shopping. i saw chucks!! in two stores! mom says that i will probably get a pair for school!!!!! i want them so bad! before we left the mall, we went to this pretzel place, and i got a pretzel covered in caramel and nuts. tastiest pretzel of my life. anyhoo, then we all went to get our hair done. my sister got a trim, so did my mom, but me, i got a new style! i've got the length at about my chin, and my bangs trimed.but my bangs are still straight across, but she cut them so they can still be pushed to the side like sidebangs!and lotsa layers...... then we came home,because we were exspecting something.later on we went to the pool. it was fun! but there was really not much to do. but i still enjoyed myself. then i walked our dog. but there is this little dog that i always have to pass. it has no leash so it keeps coming up to us and growling and trying to bite our dog! i was so sick of this dog that i actuallt yelled "NO" and then the dog just stood there.then i watched some TV and then started writing this!

hair cut

i got a new hair cut! its so cool!!!! i love it so much!
anyhoo, can't write for too long because i want to watch my fav movie. tell you more later though!

Monday, July 14, 2008

my fav things

so, right now i am pretty bored, so i am taking this time to tell whoever is reading my page what my fav things are.......
cupcakes,muffins,cake,chocolate,horses,dogs,cats,sparkly things,glitter (and glitter glue),movies,blue,happy faces,friends,jokes,trampolines,money,art,bike rides,bright colours, rainbows,band......

well these are just SOME of my fav things. so there are many others. anyhoo, thanks for reading my weird blog!

getting started I guess

Wow. The day has finally come. The first day of my blog ever. Happy now?(you know who you are) Well my day, woke up too early, and went to go shopping with my mom and sister. Came home and had lunch. Yummy! Yes i know what you are thinking, this is a very boring blog so far! Well, what can i say? It's my first day! What are you expecting? "I fought the dragon fearless"???????? Well the shopping was fun, and so was making this blog. So I'm happy! I hope that you enjoy my blog even though it is kinda boring. It all come from the heart. lol.

Now remember, peace and love children!